Indian Bean Tree
From the southern states of America, the Indian bean tree, Catalpa bignioides, is a large, deciduous tree with a spreading crown, and makes a beautiful specimen tree for a large garden. Light green, floppy, heart-shaped leaves up to 25cm/9” across. Big panicles of white, orchid-like flowers with orange and purple markings at the throat are borne in summer, followed by green bean-like pods, up to 40cm/15” long. Will eventually grow to 15m in height and spread. Copes well with urban pollution. Protect young trees from frost, and do not plant in a frost pocket or exposed position. Holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Sheltered
Soil: Any reasonably well-drained soil
Position: Full sun
Season of Interest: Spring, summer, autumn
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: 20ft (6m) Spread: 16-17ft (5m) after 20 years