The dish is made by Oneida Company and it was produced in the late- 40s or early-50s. It is a silver-plated hollow-ware with Community stamped on the underside. I could not identify the pattern. The Oneida Company started producing silver-plated hollow-ware in 1926. The Oneida Company acquired the Wm. A. Rogers Co. in 1929. The Wm A. Rogers was a silver manufacture of hollow-ware and silver plating company. Oneida Company, also acquired the S.L. & G.H. Rogers Co. which is also a silver manufacture of hollow-ware and silver plated. The Oneida Co. would use some of the Wm A. Rogers and S.L. & G.H. Rogers companies, old patterns and designs. This make it harder to know how made some of the hollow-ware. It is a hard to find dish and it is in excellent condition.